Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Lid for Every Pot, but. . .

Where Might They Be?

Lids, Lids, Lids!

If there is a lid for every pot, we're missing quite a few pots!

In an effort to get The Junk Man just a teensy bit organized, I decided to sort through the overflowing boxes and consolidate like items. 

Not as easy as it sounds!  I found several boxes of lids. . .some quite beautiful. . .but NO pots. 

I kept looking. . .
and I found. . .MORE LIDS!

Still not ONE tureen or dish to match any lid.  Hmmm. . .what to do with these while I look for the matching pieces?

My answer of late for The Junk Man's collections is to hang them in the bathroom (see PBNitis post), so that's what I did.  I figure it can't hurt and at least I know where they are if their pot shows up (pun intended).
But, I'm running out of bathrooms!  So if anyone has a creative use for decorative lids, let's hear it.  I have a few more boxes.  LOL.

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