Sunday, July 8, 2012

Finally. . .a Chalkboard is Born

You've been waiting. . .and waiting. . .and waiting. 

The poor chalkboard project, like so many other items in the workshop of The Junk Man and Chick, stalled a bit longer than intended.  

"Urgent" orders have a way of changing plans around here. 

But. . .finally, a chalkboard is born.

Earlier posts followed the chalkboard on its journey. . .home on the truck, into the workshop, and through cleanup.  Remember what it looked like before?  Here's a reminder. . .

A little paint, some sanding and. . .VOILA! 

Now that you see the finished product, where would you hang it? 

Maybe in the laundry room to create fancy chore lists?  How about the dining room with the day's menu?  Post your suggestions. . .

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